Memory Strategies

By Dr. Timothy Shaw


  1. Write down important information. Get an appointment book or notebook and carry it with you everywhere. Keep all information in one place where you can always find it. Organize the information so it is useful.

  2. Use lists and make sure to have them with you when you need them by putting them in your memory book.

  3. Repeat and rehearse. The more times you are exposed to information, the more likely you will remember it later.

  4. Have a place for everything (keys, wallet, etc.). Put each item in its place every time so you know where to find it.

  5. On your way to do something, repeat to yourself what you are going to do so that you can remember it once you get there.

  6. Follow a similar routine every day to simplify life and save energy. You will need less effort to remember what needs to be done.

  7. When you learn something new, relate it to something you already know.

  8. If you can't remember, ask someone.

  9. Quiz yourself about things to be remembered.

  10. Your memory will work best when you are calm and relaxed.

  11. Think about one thing at a time.

  12. Visualize it, say it, hear it, write it, touch it. The more sensory modalities you use to encode information, the more likely you will remember it.

  13. Before driving, review and visualize the travel route in your mind. Talk to yourself as you drive to monitor the route and remember the destination. Prepare a clear map or written directions if necessary.

  14. Categorize of "chunk" information so there are fewer items to remember.

  15. Use mnemonic devices.

  16. After reading text, try to recall what you just read. Take notes of important points and review if necessary.


We hope that this handout has been helpful to you. At the Counseling Center of New Smyrna Beach we have several therapist who can assist you in getting the treatment you need. If we can be of help please call 386.423.9161 today. Start living your legacy!